Transport User Voice – May 2021 – The road to satisfaction
28 April 2021
How confident are drivers using diversion routes?
Diversion routes are sometimes necessary to keep roads well maintained. Motorways and major ‘A’ roads carry a third of all traffic and two thirds of freight so it’s understandable that closures are needed for repairs.
When we asked members of our road user community about their experiences many reported being left confused by diversion routes. It was frequently mentioned that many did not know where they were being taken or, crucially, how long the diversion would take.
A strong theme was that using Sat-Navs was valued over following the physical signs on the road. Often the two did not match which further deepened feelings of confusion and distrust.
Uncertainty over diversion routes can be a serious issue, as drivers try to navigate unfamiliar roads, often at night. Diversion signs should be clear, including helping people to understand how much time will be added to their journey, with plenty of reassurance that they are on the right road to get back onto their intended route.
Whether diversions are for planned roadworks or unplanned incidents, the issues raised by our road user community need to be considered. Transport Focus will continue to work with Highways England to highlight road user issues with diversion routes and encourage improvements.
Have a look at the full report here.
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