What is Transport Focus?
Transport Focus is the independent watchdog for transport users. We put the interests of transport users first and aim to get the best deal for passengers and road users.
With a strong emphasis on evidence-based campaigning and research, we ensure that we know what is happening on the ground. This knowledge is used to influence decisions on behalf of passengers and road users to secure improvements and make a difference.
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The Transport Focus team
At the heart of Transport Focus lies its team, a diverse group of professionals dedicated to improving the travel experience for millions of passengers and road users across the UK.
This team is characterised by its broad expertise in areas such as consumer advocacy, research, policy development, and stakeholder engagement. Through their concerted efforts, they strive to voice the concerns and needs of transport users, ensuring that these are heard by operators, regulators, and policymakers. Meet the Transport Focus team on our dedicated page.
Alex Robertson, CEO Transport Focus