Illustrated lecture on Christian Wolmar’s new book – Fire and Steam

01 November 2007

Christian Wolmar

On Thursday 1 November 2007, Transport Journalist of the Year and Railway Children trustee Christian Wolmar is giving an illustrated lecture on the history of the railways at the prestigious Royal Geographical Society in Kensington Gore at 6.30pm for 7pm.

Impresario and railway enthusiast Pete Waterman will be hosting the evening.

The lecture, in aid of The Railway Children charity, will be based on Christian’s new book – ‘Fire and Steam’, which is the first comprehensive general history of the railways to be published for over 30 years.

Tickets are £15 each and Christian will be signing copies of the book before and after the lecture. He has kindly agreed to donate the profits from the book sales to Railway Children.

Tickets are £15 each and are available from the Railway Children at 01270 757596 or you can buy them online.

The Railway Children charity was founded in 1994 to help runaway and abandoned children who often go to railway and bus stations to seek help. The organisation funds projects around the world working with these vulnerable children with the aim of reaching them quickly before they come to harm, providing both immediate shelter and help with family reunification and education.

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01 November 2007
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