Integration and Innovation: The Future for Transport Smartcards
27 May 2010
Passenger link manager Sharon Hedges will be speaking at Integration and Innovation: The future for transport smartcards which is being held in London on 27 May 2010.
The Department for Transport has recently published its Smart and Integrated Ticketing Strategy with a goal of delivering integrated, multi-modal smart ticketing schemes in major urban areas in England by 2015 and to the majority of the country by 2020.
This conference provides the opportunity to hear how the DfT’s strategy is being rolled out across the country and the role of local transport authorities and transport operators in its delivery. It also presents an opportunity to discuss the latest developments on key issues such as card security and the use of cashless payment.
The conference will cover the following:
- A new strategy for Smartcards – towards integrated, multi-modal smart card ticketing in major urban areas by 2015
- Developing a new business plan for ITSO and working with the DfT to deliver the vision
- The benefits and costs of a national smart ticketing infrastructure – conclusions from the Department for Transport’s report
- The potential of Smartcards for simplifying local authority service delivery
- Expanding the use of Smartcards for cashless payment
- A passenger perspective on Smartcard development
- Dealing with competition law issues
- Increasing card security
- Reducing the cost of ITSO compliance and increasing accessibility.
To view more about this event please follow the link below:
Integration and Innovation: The Future for Transport Smartcards