Passenger Focus Board Meeting

17 February 2010

There will be a Passenger Focus board meeting held in the Orchard Suite of the Holiday Inn, Milton Keynes on Wednesday 17 February 2010.

The meeting will be held in public and you are welcome to observe the proceedings.

If you would like to attend the meeting as an observer please contact our London office using the details below by Monday 15 February 2010.

Please find below links to relevant documents:

Agenda – Passenger Focus board meeting – 17 February 2010

2 – Minutes of meeting held 16 December 2009

3 – Action matrix

6.1 – Audit committee meeting minutes

6.2.1 – Quarter 3 performance reporting table

6.2.2 – Quarter 3 performance report – Research

6.2.3 – Quarter 3 performance report – Workstream update

6.2.4 – Quarter 3 performance report – Passenger Link

6.2.4a – Quarter 3 performance report – Passenger Link activity

6.2.5 – Quarter 3 performance report – Bus

6.2.6 – Quarter 3 performance report – Development

6.2.7 – Quarter 3 performance report – Passenger Advice

6.2.8 – Quarter 3 performance report – Policy

6.2.9 – Quarter 3 performance report – Communications

6.2.10 – Quarter 3 performance report – Resources

6.2.11 – Quarter 3 performance report – Corporate Services

6.2.11a – Quarter 3 performance report – Audit committee paper

6.2.12 – Quarter 3 performance report – Finance

6.3 – Business plan cover sheet

6.3 – Work plan 2010-2011

6.3 – 2010-2011 Indicative Budgets for Business plan

7.1 – Passenger Link report – London Midland

7.1a – London Midland datasheet

7.1b – London Midland network map

7.1c – London Midland – National Passenger Survey results

7.1d – London Midland – Drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

8.1 – Passenger Link report – Chiltern

8.1a – Chiltern datasheet

8.1b – Chiltern network map

8.1c – Chiltern – National Passenger Survey results

8.1d – Chiltern – Drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

9.1 – Passenger Link report – Southern

9.1a – Southern datasheet

9.1b – Southern network map

9.1c – Southern – National Passenger Survey results

9.1d – Southern – Drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

11 – Bus passenger policy priorities – Policy and Research ideas

11 – Bus passenger policy priorities – Bus policy roadmap

11 – Bus passenger policy priorities – Roadmap cover paper

Contact Details

Joel Braniff
0300 123 0857
17 February 2010
Why not let people know you're going, or just tag a mate who might be interested