Passenger Focus Board meeting – London

14 July 2010

There will be a Passenger Focus Board meeting held at One Drummond Gate in London on Wednesday 14 July 2010.

The meeting will be held in public and you are welcome to observe the proceedings.

If you would like to attend the meeting as an observer please contact our London office using the details below by Monday 12 July 2010.

Please find below links to relevant documents:

Agenda – Passenger Focus Board meeting – 14 July 2010

2 – Minutes of meeting held 16 June 2010

3 – Action matrix

6 – Workplan report for May and June 2010

7.1 – Bus satisfaction survey retender

7.1a – Bus satisfaction areas 2010

7.2 – Constitutional Review and Committee membership

8 – Bus Passenger Director’s review of passenger and industry facing work

9.1 – Bus Passenger Link report – North East / Yorkshire and the Humber

9.2 – Bus Passenger Link report – South West / South East / East of England

9.2a – Bus Passenger Link report – Context document

11 – Rail Passenger Director’s review of passenger and industry facing work for May and June 2010

12.1 – Rail Passenger Link report – First Great Western

12.1a – First Great Western – Datasheet

12.1b – First Great Western – Public Performance Measure 2009-10

12.1c – First Great Western – Network map

12.1d – First Great Western – National Passenger Survey results

12.1e – First Great Western – Drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

12.2 – Rail Passenger Link report – Eurostar

12.2a – Eurostar – Datasheet

12.2b – Eurostar – Network map

12.3 – Rail Passenger Link report – Southeastern

12.3a – Southeastern – Datasheet

12.3b – Southeastern – Public Performance Measure 2009-10

12.3c – Southeastern – Network map

12.3d – Southeastern – National Passenger Survey results

12.3e – Southeastern – Drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

Final signed minutes of Board meeting held on 14 July 2010

Contact Details

Matt Ayson
0300 123 0824
14 July 2010
Why not let people know you're going, or just tag a mate who might be interested