Transforming Local Transport: Making the most of the powers in the local transport Bill conference

16 October 2008

Passenger Focus chief executive Anthony Smith will be speaking at the Transforming Local Transport: Making the most of the powers in the local transport Bill conference on Thursday 16 October.

The Local Transport Bill aims to significantly improve and even transform the management and delivery of local transport in the major conurbations outside London. The Bill provides local authorities with a range of tools for improving bus services such as voluntary partnerships, quality partnership schemes and quality contracts. It provides a stronger role for the renamed Integrated Transport Authorities and removes the need for local authorities to get permission from the Government for introducing local road user charging. Better transport is crucial to the development of city regions and local communities and the Bill aims to empower local communities to address the transport challenges they face.

This conference examines the powers introduced under the Local Transport Bill and looks at how they can be used to best effect to improve the delivery of transport.

Anthony Smith will be speaking on ”How the powers introduced in the Local Transport Bill will help passengers to gain a better service’ at 10.50am.

If you are interested in attending the event please contact the organisers using the details below.

Contact Details

The Waterfront Conference Company
020 7787 1210
16 October 2008
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