Rail accessible transport policies
06 April 2022
Each train and station operator must be licenced to operate. A condition of that licence requires operators to produce an Accessible Travel Policy (ATP), which sets out their policies, commitment, and standards of service provision to disabled rail passengers. They are also required to provide an overview of the accessibility of their trains and stations. The policy documents cover a broad range of topics, from the arrangements if alternative transport is necessary, to the accessibility training given to staff.
In addition to each policy document operators are required to produce a Passenger Leaflet entitled Making rail accessible: Helping older and disabled passengers.
The leaflet should set out what disabled, and older passengers can expect at different stages of the journey and if things do not go as planned.
Each operator should provide copies of the full policy document and leaflet on their website, and details of how to request alternative formats. It may also be possible to obtain a copy of the leaflets at some staffed stations.
Further detail on the guidance that operators are required to meet can be found on the website of the Office of Road and Rail.