East Midlands Trains’ services – have your say
20 November 2014
As part of our Passenger Power! work, aimed at boosting the passenger voice in rail services, we are asking East Midlands Trains‘ passengers for their feedback.
Passengers are invited to provide personal, local experiences of stations, trains and customer experience. We are carrying this out on behalf of the Department for Transport (DfT) in connection with its intention to award East Midlands Trains a new two-year franchise from October 2015, during which time DfT will invite bids for operation of the franchise beyond October 2017.
We will give the results of this work to DfT and East Midlands Trains. They will be able to see and analyse the feedback – with all personal or identifying details removed – and use it to propose a service based around what passengers or potential users actually want.
If you would like to share your views about your current experiences of East Midlands Trains or aspirations for the future, you can contribute by clicking the button below:
We are keen to hear from as wide a range of people as possible, so please do tell other relevant contacts, friends and fellow passengers about this opportunity.
We will publish the raw data on our website shortly after this exercise closes.
We hope that you will contribute to the franchising process by completing this form to let DfT and East Midlands Trains know what you think.
For legal reasons respondents have to be 16 years or over. The closing date for completion is Sunday 14 December 2014.
If you have any enquiries, or would like assistance in completing the form, please call on 0300 123 2146 or 0300 123 0842 during office hours.