Have your say: changes to Great Western ticket office hours
14 January 2016
Great Western Railway (GWR) has proposed changes to ticket-office opening hours at 43 stations. 35 stations affected are in the area covered by Transport Focus, with the other 8 in the London TravelWatch area.
GWR has to consult with us under the National Rail Ticketing and Settlement Agreement (Schedule 17) and we welcome comments from passengers on the proposals outlined in these tables.
Please email us at stakeholders@transportfocus.org.uk with ‘GWR’ and the name of the relevant station in the subject line.
For stations covered by London Travelwatch (highlighted in red), comments should be sent to:
London TravelWatch, 169 Union Street, London, SE1 0LL
enquiries@londontravelwatch.org.uk, with ‘GWR ticket office changes’ in the subject line
All feedback must be sent by 31 January 2016.