Passenger survey of Go-Ahead bus network finds good levels of satisfaction
20 September 2012
Independent watchdog Passenger Focus has revealed that over 5680 (89 per cent) of the 6380 passengers it surveyed across the Go-Ahead bus network were satisfied overall with their service, however, value for money is a concern.
Go-Ahead is one of England’s largest bus operators and Passenger Focus worked with them to find out the views of passengers on 11 of Go-Ahead’s bus companies outside of London. Passengers were asked to rate services on both the journey experience on the bus and at the stop itself.
Top performers were East of England-based Konectbus, Oxford Bus Company and Oxford Park & Ride with 97 per cent, 92 per cent and 92 per cent overall passenger satisfaction respectively. The remaining eight companies scored between 82 per cent and 91 per cent. Isle of Wight-based Southern Vectis saw passenger satisfaction from the previous year drop by 9 per cent from 91 per cent to 82 per cent.
This research also found that only about half of passengers were satisfied with value for money. Passenger satisfaction with this aspect of their bus service dropped from 60 per cent last year to 52 per cent. The Brighton & Hove buses, Go North East, Plymouth Citybus and Wilts & Dorset buses contributed most to this overall decrease in the value for money score. Hampshire-based Bluestar buses bucked the trend by increasing its value for money score by 5 per cent.
Anthony Smith, Passenger Focus chief executive, said: “Go-Ahead’s passengers have spoken and overall they seem to be very happy with their buses. However, value for money is something that passengers have highlighted as an issue, so this research provides Go-Ahead with valuable information which they can use to help focus their efforts on improving these scores in the future.”
David Brown, Group Chief Executive for Go-Ahead , said: “I am pleased with this year’s set of results which show that our focus on providing high quality services to our passengers does make a difference. In the past year we have invested £80m in our bus fleet and continued to roll out our smartcard “the key” across all our bus companies, making it the most used smartcard outside of London. A major reason for us doing the survey is to find out where we can improve and then take steps to address those areas. Our bus companies are already planning a number of initiatives to deliver an even better service.”
Notes to editors
- Go-Ahead’s Bus Passenger Survey results can be found on the Passenger Focus website:
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