Passenger Voice December 2015: Is the north east well connected?

30 November 2015

Is the north east well connected? This was the question the transport industry came to discuss at our conference in Gateshead.

Highways England chief executive Jim O’Sullivan kicked off the debate. He outlined the current road investment strategy and how this impacts the north east and transport users in the region.

Richard Gibson talked about how CrossCountry is working to improve connections for passengers in the region and what a new franchise might look like.

The debate moved onto how well connected the north east is by bus. Tobyn Hughes of the North East Combined Authority gave a passionate argument of how Quality Contracts can deliver a better deal for passengers. Robert Montgomery of Stagecoach UK Bus highlighted how better partnership working was crucial for a better deal for passengers.

Following the conference David Land from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership spoke at our stakeholder reception about the importance of improved connections for the local economy.

Our Board also met in public the following morning. Our guest speaker, managing director of Virgin Trains East Coast David Horne, outlined how Virgin is working to improve services for passengers. Board papers from the meeting can be found here.

Couldn’t attend? Then watch our short video here


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