Road User Voice – June 2015 – Road user workplan for 2015-16
22 June 2015
On 30 March 2015 Transport Focus became the consumer watchdog representing the users of England’s major roads. We don’t cover local roads or roads in London, Scotland or Wales.
Our 2015-16 road user work programme is therefore our first; it is deliberately cautious as we build our understanding of the roads sector and its users’ needs. As well as putting in place the foundations for delivering our roads work, the programme involves new research. This research will be about road user priorities for improvement, roadside facilities, experiences and needs when there are incidents and roadworks, and various other initiatives.
You can see our full 2015-16 road user work programme by clicking here. Let us know what you think by completing a very short online survey. Are we focusing on the right areas? Are there things you would like to see more (or less) of? Your views will be invaluable as we plan our programme for 2016-17.