National Passenger Survey Spring 2012 – NPS – Main Report

28 June 2012

The National Passenger Survey (NPS) provides a network-wide picture of customers’ satisfaction with rail travel. Passenger opinions of train services are collected twice a year from a representative sample of passenger journeys. Passengers’ overall satisfaction and satisfaction with 31 specific aspects of service can therefore be compared over time.

Main fieldwork took place between 28 January and 30 March 2012. Top up shifts were run within the last three weeks of the fieldwork period.

This document contains passenger ratings of their journey for each individual Train Operating Company (TOC) in chapter 3. Ratings are also provided for each sector i.e. London and the South East, long distance, and regional operators (chapter 2). We also include some tables showing passenger ratings for certain specific aspects of service for all TOCs on one page (in chapter 3), and results for routes within TOCs (chapter 4). Chapter 5 shows national results by journey purpose, age and gender. Passengers’ ratings are also summarised nationally by totalling results for all TOCs across Great Britain (chapter 2).

National Passenger Survey Spring 2012 - Main Report - June 2012.pdf
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