Transport integration in Scotland

12 June 2014

Passenger Focus maintains that travel by public transport should be as easy as possible for passengers. We knew from previous research that many passengers are reluctant to make integrated journeys, as they expect that it will be more complicated, stressful and expensive than using the car.

Almost all rail journeys passengers make are actually integrated, often with other stages (whether bus, another rail leg, car, taxi, ferry, cycle or on foot) at each end. It is very important that the passenger’s experience is considered for the entire journey, rather than just the rail element. Simply improving the train section of the journey will not be sufficient.

Passenger Focus is in a unique position within the industry in having no vested interest other than trying to secure the best possible deal for passengers. We were pleased to work jointly with Transport Scotland to look at passenger experiences and perceptions from four stations in Scotland. They provide good case studies for some nationwide issues. The findings are relevant to these stations, throughout Scotland and in the rest of Great Britain.

Transport integration in Scotland - June 2014 - FINAL.pdf
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