Valley Lines July 2014 disruption update (Arriva Trains Wales)

13 March 2015

In July 2014 passengers on the Arriva Trains Wales (ATW) Valley Lines network experienced two days of significant disruption, caused by problems with Network Rail signalling equipment. ATW recognised that part of passengers’ frustration stemmed from not having timely, accurate information to make an informed choice about what they should do. To its credit, ATW asked Passenger Focus to carry out a ‘no-holds-barred’ review of the quality of information provided to passengers, knowing that our report would be published. We met key ATW personnel in September to discuss our initial findings, before finalising our conclusions and recommendations in this letter.

We agreed to meet again in early 2015 for ATW to describe the actions it had taken, or planned to take, in response. Click the download button below to see ATW’s presentation.

ATW disruption update - Jan 2015.pdf
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