A nation of road users
26 October 2015
Who thought you would read a blog from me about handbags? But believe it or not you aren’t going mad…
Anya Hindmarch’s latest spring/summer 2016 collection of motorway-inspired handbags just goes to show how deep-seated our motorways experiences are.
Anya says her AW15 collection was inspired by many hours driving on the M25:”There is something about being on the M25 with a clear road and the combination of lights, reflective surfaces and your favourite piece of music that can put you into a wonderful (safe!) driving trance. I also love the iconic graphic signage with its purity and efficiency of message and the subtle humour that’s created when it’s used in an unexpected way”.
With our new role representing the interest of all those who use motorways and the most significant A-roads, we have been getting out and about to better understand what the motorway means to road users. This will help us give Highways England and the government the information they need to shape people’s experiences for the better.
While the latest innovations such as Smart motorways and orange signage are important we mustn’t forget that people’s journeys are much more than that. Who remembers those childhood games of eye spy on those long motorway journeys or eating at a Little Chef at the service station?
Anya Hindmarch’s creative reference to the great British motorway has definitely got it spot on!