All change?
01 May 2014
Having just spent four months in the USA on an unpaid career break it feels good to be back at work. Not sorry to have missed the weather but glad to be back with family, friends and colleagues. Lots of exciting stuff has been happening at Passenger Focus:
• A new role assessing some of the aspects of rail franchise bids – a real boost to our Passenger Power! campaign giving passengers more of a say in these key decisions
• Our first Tram Passenger Survey
• An expanded Bus Passenger Survey which is really driving change on the ground for passengers
And, yesterday the Department for Transport announced a potential new role for us representing the users of major roads in England. This is a real change but we have extended our role before: from rail to bus, tram and coach.
I really welcome this extension of our role and responsibility to include the road user. This makes sense given that debates in the transport sector are increasingly about door-to-door journeys and general mobility. I look forward to applying our consumer and evidenced-based approach to the benefit of road users. We did it before and we can do it again.
However, Passenger Focus will ensure our existing work on rail, bus, coach and tram passenger issues continues. Interesting times.