Bus fare drop shock!
09 October 2013
As our recent work on value for money on buses showed us (to be published later this month), you cannot escape the fact that the price of the ticket is a pretty key part of how passengers feel about their service. So it is good to see an operator dropping prices. First in Devon and Cornwall have reduced the prices of their Plymouth and Plus Day, Week and Month tickets and extended their PLUS zone to include Tavistock and Horrabridge.
So, in the Plymouth ZONE ticket prices now look better:
Day Adult: Was £3.50 Now £3.00
Day Family: Was £8 Now £6 (up to five people, max two adults)
Week Adult: Was £15 Now £11
Month Adult: Was £60 Now £40
That should help bring passengers back to bus travel and hopefully other operators will take note and peg or reduce prices as well.