Highways England and drivers: knowledge, plans and improvements
24 September 2019
Highways England has customers. Millions and millions of us every day drive on the motorways and ‘A’ roads it manages and every single person in the country relies on the freight carried in lorries. So, roads really matter to our everyday lives. The quality of the roads, signs and services provided by Highways England therefore counts towards the basic functioning of the country, economy and life.
So, it’s really good to see that Highways England has published Connecting our customers 2019-20. This is probably the fullest and clearest explanation of the relationship between a highway network provider and drivers that exists in the world.
It starts with knowledge – Highways England needs to understand who its customers are and what they think about its roads. Keep delivering the basics, day in day out. Then make improvements based on this knowledge. We are helping Highways England with all these factors. I was pleased to provide a quote to go in the Highways England document:
“Road users will be pleased to see the focus on customers set out in this customer service plan. All road users want reliable, smooth journeys with good information and the plans set out here will underpin that. Using the independent Transport Focus Strategic Roads User Survey to measure success is also an important part of building confidence.”