Tewkesbury Parkway? Capacity again!
07 January 2014
The excellent Ashchurch, Tewkesbury & District Rail Promotion Group Round Table is holding another meeting. They are pulling in First Great Western (FGW) and other train operators, the Department for Transport, and others.
The Group said to me: “We do regular footfall counts at Ashchurch for Tewkesbury station and the latest actual figures for the year to 31 August 2013 are 122k+, against the official figre of 74k+! We are constantly trying to persuade FGW to let us have an hourly service (as opposed to two-hourly); and we are trying to have the name changed to Tewkesbury Parkway, to help grow the traffic even further.”
I like that name change. Outside London and the South East most passengers walk to the station, but car is the second most popular way of getting there.