Transport user priorities
08 May 2015
When the new Government is taking future transport decisions there are some clear priorities emerging from Transport Focus’s research which could help guide them.
Long-term, sustained investment is the key to successful transport services. The five-year Road Investment Strategy is a big step in the right direction for the users of the Strategic Road Network in England whom we now represent. Backed up by significant funding, Highways England can plan, procure and deliver projects in a more effective way than was possible in the past. The supply chain can have more confidence to gear up and invest. The end result should be more effective and value-for-money investment.
This approach mirrors the way the rail industry has been working for some time. While it might be tempting to rob Paul to pay Peter, both road and rail users deserve investment. Now that we have five-year plans for road and rail, let’s stick to them. For bus passengers outside London it would be good to have five-year development plans as well!