We have now added trams to our passenger surveys
14 April 2014
It is now a week since we published our first Tram Passenger Survey. The week before, we published our fourth Bus Passenger Survey. These surveys now join our well established National Rail Passenger Survey.
The value of now having a suite of rail, bus and tram passengers’ views about their journey experience provides the evidence base for operators, authorities and government to act upon the priorities that need improving for passengers. In some areas of the country we now have a full picture of the passenger experience across three modes of public transport… a compelling case for understanding how passengers use and value different modes of transport in the same city region.
We have now established a clear link between improvements in passengers’ experiences being driven by our family of passenger satisfaction research!
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Passenger Focus’s chief executive, Anthony Smith, is on a career break until 22 April 2014. David Sidebottom is filling in for him while he is away.