Passenger Focus Board Meeting – London

12 January 2011

There will be a Passenger Focus Board meeting held at One Drummond Gate in London on Wednesday 12 January 2011.

The meeting will be held in public and you are welcome to observe the proceedings.

If you would like to attend the meeting as an observer please contact our London office using the details below by Monday 10 January 2011.

Please find below links to the relevant documents:

Agenda – Passenger Focus Board meeting 12 January 2011

2 – Minutes of Board meeting held on 17 November 2010

3 – Board action matrix

5 – Chief Executives work plan report for November and December 2010

5.1 – Research work plan report

6.1 – Minutes of Statistics Governance Group meeting held on 1 December 2010

6.2 – Minutes of Remuneration Committee meeting held on 16 November

7.1 – Resolution for private session on Inter City West Coast franchise

8 – Bus passenger directors review of passenger and industry facing work

8.1 – Local authority cuts

9.1 – Bus passenger link report – North West

9.1a – Bus passenger link report – North West (appendix a)

9.1b – Bus passenger link report – North West (appendix b)

9.1c – Bus passenger link report – North West (appendix c)

9.3 – Passenger priorities for coach services

9.3a – UK scheduled coach market

10 – Rail passenger directors review of passenger and industry facing work

11.1 – Rail passenger link report – Southern

11.1a – Southern data

11.1b – Southern PPM 09-10

11.1c – Southern route map

11.1d – Southern spring 2010 NPS data

11.1e – Southern drivers of satisfaction

11.2 – Rail passenger link report – NXEA

11.2a – NXEA data

11.2b – NXEA PPM 09-10

11.2c – NXEA route map

11.2d – NXEA spring 2010 NPS data

11.2e – NXEA drivers of satisfaction

11.3 – Rail passenger link report – c2c

11.3a – c2c data

11.3b – c2c PPM 09-10

11.3c – c2c route map

11.3d – c2c spring 2010 NPS data

11.3e – c2c drivers of satisfaction

11.4 – Rail passenger link report – Merseyrail

11.4a – Merseyrail data

11.4b – Merseyrail PPM 09-10

11.4c – Merseyrail route map

11.4d – Merseyrail spring 2010 NPS data

11.4e – Merseyrail drivers of satisfaction

Final signed minutes of Board meeting held on 12 January 2011

Contact Details

Matt Ayson
12 January 2011
Why not let people know you're going, or just tag a mate who might be interested