Passenger Focus Board Meeting – Manchester

09 November 2011

There will be a Passenger Focus Board meeting held at Piccadilly Gate, Store St, Manchester on Wednesday 9 November 2011, starting at 1330 and finishing at 1530.

The meeting will be held in public and you are welcome to observe the proceedings.

If you would like to attend the meeting as an observer please contact our London office using the details below.

The agenda and papers can be viewed by following the links below:

Agenda – Passenger Focus Board Meeting 9 November 2011

2.0 – Minutes of Board meeting held on 14 September 2011

3.0 – Board action matrix (as at 31 October 2011)

5.1 – Chief Executives work plan report for quarter 2 2011-12

5.2 – Q2 Research report 2011-12

5.3 – Q2 Finance report 2011-12

6.0 – Review of national passenger issues for quarter 2 2011-12

6.1 – Service disruption caused by engineering work

6.1a – Letter to Anthony Smith – The rail industry engineering pledges

6.2 – Response to initial industry plan 2014-19

6.3 – Resolution to private session – Greater Anglia Franchise

7.0 – Review of passenger and industry facing work for quarter 2 2011-12

7.1 – Concessionary fares policy on buses

8.0 – Minutes of Audit Committee meeting held on 12 October 2011

9.0 – Audit Committee risk report to Board for Q1/Q2 2011-12

10.0 – Bus passenger survey 2012 onwards for approval

11.0 – Public sector equality duty – progress to date

Final signed minutes of Board meeting held on 9 November 2011

Contact Details

Matt Ayson
09 November 2011
Why not let people know you're going, or just tag a mate who might be interested