Young people and transport event, Cardiff
24 January 2019
Transport Focus will hold an event to showcase its research with young people on using the bus, their experience with rail, priorities for improvement and some examples of good practice.
Participants will also hear encouraging plans from Transport for Wales that will improve services for young people, together with ideas on future service development. This links to consultations from the Welsh Assembly’s committee and Welsh Government and supports goals for the well-being of future generations in Wales.
Speakers include: event sponsor Russell George AM, chair of the Assembly’s Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee; Alexia Course, Transport for Wales (TfW) and Colin Lea, TfW Rail Services; Andrew Sherrington, First Cymru; Matt Goggins, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority; and Louise Coward, Transport Focus.
The event will take place at the Pierhead Building, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay on Thursday 24 January, 12pm to 2.30pm (including lunch).
Further information is available in the event agenda.