Watchdog welcomes plan for electric vehicle charging
25 March 2022
Today the Government published its electric vehicle infrastructure strategy, a plan for rolling out extra charging facilities.
By 2030 the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles will have ended, and all new cars and vans will be ‘fully zero emission at the tailpipe’ by 2035.
Anthony Smith, chief executive of the independent watchdog Transport Focus, said: “In our work with transport users, we found that a key thing putting people off electric vehicles was concern about being able to charge them. We welcome this commitment to rolling out more charging facilities and improving accessibility. We’re supporting this by developing a survey to measure the consumer experience when charging up at service areas on England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads.”
Notes to editors
- Our 2021 report Plugging the Gap talks about electric vehicle users’ experiences of charging provision:
- Click here to watch some electric vehicle users talking about their experiences so far:
- Watch our event Going Electric: the driver’s view here: