Despondent rail passengers call for better services in Wales

29 June 2017

Passengers travelling on Wales and Borders services are calling for an overhaul of tired and overcrowded train services when a new contract is awarded.

In new research out today, Arriva Trains Wales passengers told the independent passenger watchdog, Transport Focus, what they wanted to see as part of their future service.

Passengers’ top priorities for the next operator include more seats and more space to deal with overcrowding, a more punctual and reliable service and new trains. Passengers say they find current facilities and stations outdated and in need of investment.

Passengers do however rate their local staff highly and see them as generally friendly, helpful and approachable. Transport Focus is calling on the next operator to build on this good relationship local staff have with passengers to develop a more positive image of the new service and operator.

Passengers would like to see Transport for Wales, Welsh Government, Network Rail and the next operator of the Wales and Borders rail service put forward a clear plan to address these issues. The current Arriva Trains Wales franchise was contracted on a ‘zero growth’ basis without the investment needed to cope with the surge in the number of passengers. Passengers must see a commitment to investment from the new service to meet growing demand and expectations for improved quality across the network.

Anthony Smith, Chief Executive of the independent watchdog Transport Focus, said:

“Many passengers in Wales are currently travelling on trains well past their sell-by date. Older trains, carrying more passengers than the number of seats available, makes for an uncomfortable journey. Passengers deserve better.

“Persistent delays to services on parts of the current Arriva Trains Wales network have diminished the expectations of passengers. It’s important that the next operator and Network Rail get the basics right to rebuild trust with passengers.

“The competition for the next Wales and Borders operator provides a great opportunity to get a good deal for passengers. Transport for Wales, Welsh Government and the next Wales and Borders operator need to listen to passengers and take action to improve future services.”

What passengers say:

“Arriva trains seem quite grubby and old and they are just rundown.” Frequent Swansea leisure passenger

“The conductors are always helpful if you want to know where to change trains, what platform you want or if you want directions…They do go the extra mile.” Frequent Machynlleth leisure passenger

“I’m just fed up and dejected. It’s like everyday there’s something that happens and there’s nothing we can do about it. I need to get to work but I have to put up with just constant delays and disruptions.” Frequent Llandudno commuter

“The man at the ticket office at the station is great. He gives me advice on all sorts like what ticket I can buy and how much those cost.” Leisure passenger

Notes to editors

Transport Focus research, The future of the Wales and Borders rail service: what passengers want, can be found here.

Transport Focus will now work with Transport for Wales, Welsh Government and the Department for Transport and to ensure future services reflect passengers’ needs and help prospective bidders propose ambitious and high-quality proposals.

In the most recent National Rail Passenger Survey:

  • 70 per cent of Arriva Trains Wales passengers are satisfied with the amount of space to sit or stand
  • 42 per cent of passengers are satisfied with how the train company dealt with delays
  • 64 per cent of passengers are satisfied with the upkeep and repair of the train
  • 84 per cent of passengers are satisfied with the helpfulness and attitude of staff on the train
  • 66 per cent of passengers are satisfied with the upkeep and repair of the station buildings/platforms.

For further information please contact:

Kieran Watkins, Senior Communications Officer
Telephone: 0300 123 0836 or e-mail:

Transport Focus is the independent transport watchdog representing the interests of:

  • rail passengers in Great Britain
  • bus, coach and tram passengers across England outside London
  • all users of England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads (the Strategic Road Network).

We work to make a difference for all transport users.


Teithwyr trên digalon yn galw am well gwasanaethau yng Nghymru

Mae teithwyr sy’n defnyddio gwasanaethau Cymru a’r Gororau yn galw am weddnewid gwasanaethau trên di-raen a gorlawn pan ddyfernir contract newydd.

Mewn ymchwil newydd a ryddhawyd heddiw, dywedodd teithwyr Trenau Arriva Cymru wrth Ffocws ar Drafnidiaeth, corff annibynnol sy’n gwarchod buddiannau teithwyr, beth roedden nhw am ei weld fel rhan o’r gwasanaeth yn y dyfodol.

Mae prif flaenoriaethau teithwyr ar gyfer y gweithredwr newydd yn cynnwys mwy o seddi a mwy o le i fynd i’r afael â gorlenwi, gwasanaeth mwy prydlon a dibynadwy a threnau newydd. Mae teithwyr yn dweud bod y cyfleusterau a’r gorsafoedd presennol yn hen ffasiwn ac angen buddsoddiad o gymharu â’u profiadau o ddefnyddio gweithredwyr eraill.

Fodd bynnag, mae teithwyr yn canu clodydd eu staff lleol, gan ddweud eu bod nhw’n gyfeillgar ac yn fwy na pharod i helpu ar y cyfan. Mae Ffocws ar Drafnidiaeth yn galw ar y gweithredwr nesaf i adeiladu ar y berthynas dda hon rhwng staff lleol a theithwyr er mwyn datblygu delwedd fwy cadarnhaol o’r gwasanaeth a’r gweithredwr newydd.

Hoffai teithwyr weld Trafnidiaeth Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru, Network Rail a gweithredwr nesaf gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd Cymru a’r Gororau yn cyflwyno cynllun clir i fynd i’r afael â’r materion hyn. Cafodd masnachfraint bresennol Trenau Arriva Cymru ei chontractio ar sail ‘dim twf’ heb y buddsoddiad a oedd ei angen i ymdopi â’r cynnydd yn nifer y teithwyr. Rhaid i deithwyr weld ymrwymiad i fuddsoddi gan y gwasanaeth newydd i ateb y galw a’r disgwyliadau cynyddol am ansawdd gwell ar draws y rhwydwaith.

Meddai Anthony Smith, Prif Weithredwr y corff gwarchod annibynnol, Ffocws ar Drafnidiaeth:

“Mae llawer o deithwyr yng Nghymru yn teithio ar drenau sydd wedi gweld dyddiau gwell. Mae trenau hŷn, sy’n cludo mwy o lawer o deithwyr na nifer y seddi sydd ar gael, yn arwain at daith anghyfforddus. Mae teithwyr yn haeddu gwell.

“Mae oedi cyson mewn gwasanaethau ar rannau o rwydwaith presennol Trenau Arriva Cymru wedi effeithio er gwaeth ar ddisgwyliadau teithwyr. Mae’n bwysig bod y gweithredwr nesaf yn cael yr hanfodion yn iawn er mwyn adennill ffydd teithwyr.

“Mae’r gystadleuaeth ar gyfer gweithredwr nesaf Cymru a’r Gororau yn gyfle gwych i sicrhau bargen dda i deithwyr. Mae angen i Trafnidiaeth Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru a gweithredwr nesaf Cymru a’r Gororau wrando ar deithwyr a chymryd camau i wella gwasanaethau i’r dyfodol.”

Beth mae teithwyr yn ei ddweud:

“Mae trenau Arriva i weld yn hen a budr, a dydyn nhw ddim wedi cael llawer o ofal.” Teithiwr hamdden rheolaidd o Abertawe

“Mae’r tocynwyr yn barod i helpu bob amser os ydych chi am wybod ble i newid trenau, pa blatfform rydych chi ei angen neu os ydych chi am gael cyfarwyddiadau… maen nhw’n mynd y tu hwnt i’r disgwyl.” Teithiwr hamdden rheolaidd o Fachynlleth

“Rwyf wedi cael llond bol. Bob dydd, mae rhywbeth yn digwydd a does dim byd y gallwn ni ei wneud am y peth. Rwyf angen cyrraedd y gwaith ond rwy’n gorfod dioddef oedi mawr o hyd ac o hyd.” Cymudwr rheolaidd o Landudno

“Mae’r dyn yn y swyddfa docynnau yn wych. Mae’n rhoi cyngor i mi ar bob math o bethau, fel pa docyn y galla i ei brynu a faint mae’r tocyn hwnnw’n ei gostio.” Teithiwr hamdden

Nodiadau i olygyddion

Mae ymchwil Ffocws ar Drafnidiaeth, The future of the Wales and Borders rail service: what passengers want, i’w gweld yma.

Bydd Ffocws ar Drafnidiaeth yn gweithio gyda Trafnidiaeth Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru a’r Adran Drafnidiaeth i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau’r dyfodol yn adlewyrchu anghenion teithwyr ac i helpu darpar ymgeiswyr i wneud cynigion uchelgeisiol o safon uchel.

Yn ôl yr arolwg diweddaraf o deithwyr National Rail:

  • Mae 70 y cant o deithwyr Trenau Arriva Cymru yn fodlon â’r lle sydd ar gael i eistedd neu sefyll
  • Mae 42 y cant o deithwyr yn fodlon â sut mae’r cwmni trenau’n mynd i’r afael ag oedi
  • Mae 64 y cant o deithwyr yn fodlon â sut mae trenau’n cael eu cynnal a chadw a’u cyflwr
  • Mae 84 y cant o deithwyr yn fodlon ag agwedd y staff ar y trên a pha mor barod ydynt i helpu
  • Mae 66 y cant o deithwyr yn fodlon â sut mae adeiladau/platfformau gorsafoedd yn cael eu cynnal a chadw a’u cyflwr.

I gael mwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â:

Kieran Watkins, Uwch Swyddog Cyfathrebu
Ffôn: 0300 123 0836 neu e-bost:

Ffocws ar Drafnidiaeth yw’r corff annibynnol sy’n gwarchod buddiannau’r teithwyr canlynol:

  • teithwyr trên ym Mhrydain
  • teithwyr bws, coets a thram ledled Lloegr y tu allan i Lundain
  • defnyddwyr traffyrdd a ffyrdd ‘A’ yn Lloegr (y Rhwydwaith Ffyrdd Strategol).

Rydym yn gweithio i wneud gwahaniaeth i bob defnyddiwr trafnidiaeth.

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