Changes to the Gold Card rail travel discount scheme – Passenger Focus response
15 October 2014
Responding to the Association of Train Operating Companies’ announcement that the Gold Card rail travel discount scheme is to be relaunched in January, David Sidebottom, Passenger Focus director, said:
“The Gold Card is a popular perk for commuters in the south east of England. It encourages them to leave their cars at home and travel by train at the weekends and during holidays with their partners and children.
“The increase in the number of stations you can travel to and from at a discounted rate is welcome. However, the scrapping of the £2 child flat fare will be disappointing to the thousands of families who use this discount. It is simply not fair that the cost of travelling as a family of four could easily increase by more than a fifth on some journeys.”
Rail Delivery Group – Commuters set to benefit from relaunched rail discount scheme