Getting bus passengers back on the bus
01 June 2023
A new series of Transport Focus webinars launched recently with the first being Maximising benefits for passengers from Bus Partnerships. With more than 130 attendees from across the bus industry including operators and local authorities, the event provided an opportunity to share best practices, talk about key issues, provide insight and hear from those at the front-line delivering services and innovation.
How are we getting free bus pass holders back on board?: Toby Cotton, senior insight advisor shared some new insights from Transport Focus on this slower to return group, and the experience of other key partners including initiatives that have worked to attract passengers back.
Hitting your targets? We heard from Judith Elliott, transport data analyst and Alison Edwards, director of policy at the Confederation pf Passenger Transport UK about the importance and challenges of using data to inform services and change. From monitoring against Bus Service Improvement Plan targets, to bus passenger satisfaction – they provided some of the practical examples of what’s working well, and what are the common challenges dealing with data.
Update on the ‘Your Bus Journey’ survey: Robert Pain, senior insight advisor provided some initial feedback on the survey. With more than 36,000 passengers and 35 areas across England and six regional partnerships in Scotland taking part, the ‘Your Bus Journey’ survey 2023/2024 is an opportunity to see the bigger picture of what passengers think about your services.
You can watch back the webinar here.