Passenger Focus calls on London Midland to step up its efforts to compensate passengers

15 February 2013

Passenger Focus is calling on London Midland to step up its efforts to compensate passengers for the disruption at the end of last year.

Passenger Focus chief executive Anthony Smith said:
“Train companies should work hard to inform passengers of their right to compensation when they fail to deliver the train services that passengers have paid for.

“We have strongly encouraged London Midland to do more to get the information out to passengers on how to claim compensation. It is not acceptable to rely on passengers seeking out the information themselves.”

Passenger Focus is working with the company to press for more information to be proactively sent out to passengers. We continue to closely monitor the situation.

– Ends

Notes to editors

1. London Midland cancelled a number of services during a driver shortage, and recently agreed a compensation package for passengers – see story here:

2. The compensation deal is on the train company website here: There have also been some Twitter updates.

Story edited to add: London Midland also has details of compensation available here:

3. Passenger Focus is the official, independent consumer organisation representing the interests of rail users nationally and bus, coach and tram users across England outside London. We want to make a difference for rail, bus, coach and tram passengers. We’ll do this by: 

– providing authoritative advice for industry based on sound research
– securing improvements to services – both big and small-scale improvements
– helping passengers with advice and information
– campaigning for change
– acting on rail passenger complaints

4. For further information please contact:
Dervish Mertcan
Communications Officer
Tel: 0300 123 0847 / 07918 626 045
or e-mail:

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