Passenger Voice May 2016: Making a difference for bus passengers
22 April 2016
The Transport Focus Bus Passenger Survey (BPS) is five years old. Since it started bus operators and local authorities have used the research in a variety of ways to improve services.
This year 40,000 rail passengers gave us their views on the journey they had just completed. The survey continues to provide a valuable benchmark of how well Britain’s bus passengers are served by their local bus company. But how has the bus industry used the survey to make a difference for passengers?
West Midlands
West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive (Centro) used the BPS as part of its drive to target poor performance and bring improvements for passengers. Centro recognised how important on-bus journey time is to passenger as highlighted by BPS. It also realised that increased journey times put passengers off. It was keen to improve punctuality and reliability.
Overall passenger satisfaction went up from 81 per cent in 2011 to 87 per cent in autumn 2014. Centro sees this as a result of detailed work it had done on different routes concentrating on key factors from the survey.
York Council
York Council decided to make the bus timetable more consistent and coordinated with all operators. It dedicated a member of staff to work on this project and designed new information posters showing clear maps of routes and services. The council also employed two bus stop wardens to travel across the city to enforce parking regulations to keep the stops clear. The effect of this work was a big rise in satisfaction with aspects relating to bus stops.
Overall satisfaction went up from 88 per cent in 2013 to 93 per cent in 2014 and satisfaction with the bus stop from 82 per cent to 86 per cent. The council was pleased to build on the work the local operator, First Bus, had already done to improve services in York.
To download this year’s Bus Passenger Survey click here.