Passenger Voice July 2016: Putting passenger satisfaction in the driving seat

29 June 2016

What do bus passengers really think of their bus service?

An essential part of understanding the needs of passengers is knowing what they think about their existing service. Comparing passenger satisfaction can help ensure resources are targeted where they are most valued by passengers.

To achieve this Transport Focus runs the Bus Passenger Survey. Now in its sixth year the survey has successfully grown in size and coverage to make it even more useful to bus operators, transport authorities and governments.

In autumn 2015 Transport Focus captured the views of over 40,000 passengers across 51 areas and operations in England and Scotland. You can find all the results here.

A number of operators and areas that now use the Bus Passenger Survey as part of their performance regime to target poor performance and bring improvements for passengers and as a result, for their business. It is a trusted measure of the impact of investment or improvement work.

Transport Focus wants the Bus Passenger Survey to grow in coverage, size and value. Thinking about what may (or may not) be happening to bus service provision over the next couple of years, it may be a useful time to independently measure and benchmark passenger satisfaction this year.

Transport Focus is now planning for the autumn 2016 Bus Passenger Survey. To find out more about next year’s Bus Passenger Survey please contact David Sidebottom (Passenger Director) at who will be able to provide further details on how bus companies and local authorities can take part.

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