Rail passengers welcome flexible ‘advance on the day’ tickets
09 March 2015
Passengers are keen to use Advance purchase on the day (APOD) tickets in order to make significant savings on their train journeys.
These findings are part of the research into passengers’ views on advance on the day tickets by independent watchdog, Passenger Focus.
Price and value for money are important factors for passengers when buying a ticket, which makes Advance tickets an already popular choice for many rail passengers. Passenger Focus therefore welcomes the introduction of ‘advance on the day’ tickets which offer more flexibility for passengers at a lower price.
The report also shows that advance on the day tickets fit well with an ‘on-the-go lifestyle’ when used in conjunction with existing apps and m-tickets. However, it’s important that all passengers can benefit and offline ticket options should also be available.
David Sidebottom, passenger director, said:
“Passengers tell us value for money is a key priority. Advance on the day tickets allow for a better price on last-minute decisions which takes the pressure off passengers to book earlier – meaning those who want to be a little more spontaneous aren’t penalised with a high price.
“However, train companies need to ensure that all ticket types and restrictions are clearly communicated to passengers to avoid confusion over an already complex ticket system.”
Click here to download the report.