Road User Voice – June 2016 – Focussing on surface quality
14 June 2016
What do drivers really mean when the say they want improvements to the quality of road surfaces?
Our research in 2015 found that road surface quality is drivers’ highest priority for improvement to England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads. But what we now want to find out is which aspects of surface quality Highways England should concentrate on to drive up satisfaction and reduce dissatisfaction.
Transport Focus’s 2016-17 workplan includes new research in this area, delivered through a joint project with Highways England and potentially its contractors through the Highways Term Maintenance Association (HTMA). We recently met at The Cube in Birmingham to explore initial ideas.
This research will be important in shaping the short-term actions by Highways England as well as longer-term planning for the second Road Investment Strategy period, post 2020.

The Cube, Birmingham