Transport User Voice – December 2022 – Cardiff Board meeting
29 November 2022
Watch it back!
On Wednesday 23 November we held our public Board meeting in Cardiff. We invited the public to come along in person or watch online and encouraged them to ask questions.
We heard from deputy minister for climate change, Lee Waters. He gave a brief overview on transport plans in Wales focussing on making buses a more attractive option for users. He also stressed the importance of transport in meeting targets to combat climate change. There were some questions from the Board on the costs of improvements, making buses more affordable, getting more freight on rail and making sure rail doesn’t dominate the conversation around transport.
David Beer, senior manager Wales, and Michelle Roles, stakeholder manager Wales, gave an update about our work in Wales.
We also heard from Colin Lea and Jan Chaudhry van der Velde from Transport for Wales Nick Millington from Network Rail Wales and Borders. They talked about their close working arrangement and how they are tackling issues in Wales particularly around delays.
Watch it back in full here:
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