Transport User Voice – February 2023 – Your Bus Journey

30 January 2023

How satisfied are passengers in England and Scotland?

The big day is almost upon – Your Bus Journey is now out on the road!

Our new survey will find out how satisfied passengers across England and Scotland are with their bus journey.

The survey builds on over a decade of research running our previous Bus Passenger Survey. We’ve worked with the industry to find innovative ways to report on what bus passengers’ experiences. Data will be collected continuously throughout 48 – 50 weeks of the year giving regular headline measurements. We will also give more detailed journey feedback from passengers at six-monthly intervals with the first scheduled for August 2023.

Researchers will now approach passengers at bus stops as well as on board buses, getting feedback on a wider selection of routes. Researchers can now share the online version of the survey with the passengers they speak to through a QR code as well as by a text message or email.

We will use the results to push for future improvements and identify good practice. This will help transport authorities, bus operators and Governments to invest in the things that matter most to current and future bus passengers.

We will represent the experiences of around 36,000 bus passenger journeys across 35 areas of England and six regional transport partnerships in Scotland, providing robust, comparable and benchmarked results.

The survey will focus on the journey passengers are making at that time, measuring satisfaction on a wide range of aspects. This includes the experience on board the bus, the bus stop, the bus driver as well as their overall satisfaction with that journey and if they think it’s good value for money.


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