Transport User Voice – January – Wales: latest activity for passengers

21 December 2018

Young people and transport: event in Cardiff

Transport Focus will hold an event on Thursday 24 January 2019 in Cardiff. This will focus on: young people’s experience of bus and rail services; priorities for improvement; examples of good practice and Transport for Wales’s plans to improve services for young people in Wales and the Borders. There will be speakers from the National Assembly for Wales, Transport for Wales, bus operators, Merseytravel and Transport Focus. Invitations with full information will be sent out early in the new year or for more information, please contact    David Beer, stakeholder manager,

Meanwhile, as public transport continues to develop in Wales, two consultations are seeking views on future proposals:

Future development of Transport for Wales
Following the implementation of the new Wales and Borders rail service, the Welsh Government has ambitious plans for Transport for Wales and is currently considering the additional functions the organisation may take responsibility for, to develop a business case. The National Assembly’s Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee is looking into this as part of its scrutiny. Further details of this consultation can be found on the Assembly’s website. The deadline for submissions is Friday 11 January 2019.

Improving public transport
The Welsh Government has launched a white paper setting out proposals to improve public transport services across Wales, to make them safe, reliable, sustainable and accessible to all. The consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the legislation that governs how bus services are planned and delivered, together with reform of the taxi and private hire vehicle licensing regime. Further details can be found on the Welsh Government’s website. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 27 March 2019.

Transport Focus will respond to both consultations, based on evidence from its research, and it would encourage others to contribute to the consultation, to ensure a wide range of views is taken in and that resulting plans have passengers’ needs and expectations at their heart.

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