Transport User Voice – June 2020 – What will it take to make me feel safe?
27 May 2020
Transport users’ thoughts on travel during Covid-19
Four out of ten people say they won’t be returning to public transport again due to fears over safety, our latest survey has revealed.
Transport Focus speaks to 2000 people each week to understand current travel behaviour and attitudes towards travel during and after the coronavirus outbreak.
This week’s results showed the number of people who would be happy to use transport as soon as restrictions are lifted has gone down from 24 per cent in the first week to 18 per cent.
There hasn’t been a significant uptake in the use of public transport since restrictions changed. Also, people are becoming more concerned about social distancing and wearing masks or face coverings on buses and trains.
There has been a slight increase in the number of people who have made a journey by road. This is reflected in a growing number of people reporting more traffic on the roads. Around two thirds say they are more likely to use the car than public transport.
Transport Focus found:
- those who say they won’t use public transport unless social distancing is in place went up from 62 per cent in the first week of the survey to 72 per cent
- 63 per cent would not be happy using public transport unless passengers are required to wear face masks/coverings (up from 51 per cent).
We are calling for governments and the transport industry to outline how they will reassure passengers that it will be as safe as possible to travel by public transport.
Transport Focus is monitoring the information provided by transport operators to ensure transport users receive clear and consistent advice about travel.
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