Transport User Voice – May 2019 – Making bus a better choice for young people
29 April 2019
Sharing good practice with bus operators and local authorities
Young people are the biggest users of bus – but don’t feel services are designed for them. So, what can be done to make bus a better choice for young people?
Transport Focus has now run a total of five workshops across the country focused on making bus journeys better for young people.
These workshops brought together more than 100 participants representing local bus users and around 70 different organisations including bus operators, local authorities, bus manufacturers and transport consultants.
The aim of the workshops was to encourage ideas, share best practice and for participants to take fresh thinking and new approaches back to their businesses. The positive engagement and collaboration at each workshop and the feedback from participants confirmed that the aims of this project have been met.
Transport Focus would like to thank everybody who gave their time to attend these sessions and make them a success. There were lots of good ideas generated at the workshops and a real eagerness to deliver improvements for young people.
Transport Focus will gather this feedback and good practice examples to produce a report to share with governments, the bus industry and other stakeholders. This will outline the work the industry is doing, and plans to do, to get more young people engaged with bus.
Transport Focus also looks forward to working through the next steps and actions to help operators and local authorities make bus an even better choice for young people.