Transport User Voice – Research coming soon

25 April 2017

Over the next few months Transport Focus will be publishing lots of new research into users’ experiences across rail, roads, bus and tram. Here’s a brief summary of some of our upcoming research.

  • National Rail Passenger Survey: the next wave will be published later this summer (for January 2017 results, see the infographic here).
  • Rail passengers’ trust and priorities: updating our previous research this work will look to understand passengers’ top priorities for improvement and their trust in the rail industry.
  • Rail passengers with a disability: in partnership with the Department for Transport this research help develop a better understanding of the emotional experiences of rail passengers with a disability.
  • Tram Passenger Survey: the 2016 survey is set to be published in the coming weeks. Clickhere to find out more.
  • Strategic Roads User Survey: we are currently piloting two parallel methods to inform this new survey. Look out for the outcome of our pilot later this year.
  • Motorway Services User Survey: speaking to road users across England this new survey will provide a network view of satisfaction at motorway services.
  • Road surface quality: in partnership with Highways England, this research will improve our understanding of roads surface quality which road users see as a top priority for improvement.
  • Cyclists, equestrians, and pedestrians satisfaction with the Strategic Road Network: how satisfied are cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians when they come into contact with Highways England’s network? This research will provide an insight into this group’s experiences of using the road network.
  • Smart motorways: research findings will be available later this year on road users’ experiences and views about different types of smart motorway, including all-lane running
  • East Midlands franchise: we are researching the views and experiences of East Midland’s train passengers and their hopes for the future franchise.
  • Wales and Borders rail services: the current franchise runs until October 2018. Working with Transport for Wales and the Department for Transport we are researching passengers’ experiences and aspirations for the future of this service.
  • Young people’s attitudes to travelling by bus: this research will explore young people’s attitudes to travelling by bus and what might make bus a more attractive travel option.

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