Transport User Voice – September 2018 – Update on our road user satisfaction work
29 August 2018
Strategic Roads User Survey
Measuring satisfaction with road users’ experience of a journey presents some challenges. How do you find people who have recently made a journey? How do you get them to think about particular journeys and even particular sections of road? How do you make sure you have a representative set of journeys, so you can monitor satisfaction over time? How do you make the results actionable so that improvements can be made?
Over the last couple of years we have been running the National Road Users’ Satisfaction Survey, which is the satisfaction measure that Highways England is currently monitored against. The latest results of this were published recently on our website.
At the same time though, we have also been developing a new satisfaction measure, which covers more journeys and will provide insight at a more local level. We developed our own interactive map to enable us to do this. The new measure is called the Strategic Roads User Survey (SRUS). We started talking to road users using this new method in April this year and are working on the results from the first few months. We plan to publish the initial findings in November, and the first full year’s results will be out in the summer of 2019.