Transport User Voice – September 2021 – Sort My Sign
27 August 2021
Better information for road users
Have you ever missed a turning because a road sign was missing information or hidden by overgrown trees?
Our Sort My Sign campaign is asking road users to report any problem road signs they’ve spotted.
We want National Highways (formerly Highways England) to:
- sort broken or confusing signs
- provide better communication during delays and unexpected disruption
- review the current standard of information on motorway and major ‘A’ roads.
This includes electronic signs. Clear information allows drivers to make good decisions with plenty of time, improving safety and reducing stress.
Chief executive, Anthony Smith, said:
“Drivers often tell us how frustrating it can be to miss a turnoff due to a broken or illegible sign.
“Every single report we receive is helping to make roads safer and easier to navigate for all road users.”
As a result of Sort My Sign, National Highways says it has already fixed three out of five cases reported so far and is working on the others.
In the meantime, we will keep demanding all information on the roads is made clearer and safer for every road user.
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