Transport User Voice September 2024 – Chief Executive’s editorial

04 September 2024

Change is coming

I notice the change in season more than usual in September. Holidays are finished, children and teachers are getting ready for school, workplaces are gradually filling back up. The slow, predictable rhythm of life returns, and we are reminded of how dependent we are on transport as part of our daily routine. Some will be confident of its reliability and that they can afford it, for others familiar problems and stresses will return. And for all of us, autumn often brings weather that causes widespread disruption. It can feel as if nothing changes. 

This year feels different to me. One way or another, change is coming. The Government is introducing major reforms to bus and rail services, and there will be a new transport strategy. At Transport Focus we’ll be making sure the perspective of users is at the heart of these reforms, but we’ll also keep our eye on what’s happening on the network right now.   

As well as our research and insight work, over the autumn we’ll be out and about to see for ourselves what’s going on. I’ll personally be going out more and reporting what I find: sharing good practise and highlighting problems where something isn’t right. I hope to see some of you on my travels and please do let me or the team know if you think there is somewhere we should visit. 

Enjoy the read. 

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