Transport User Voice – February 2018 – Design major roads with us in mind
31 January 2018
Cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians need roads designed with them more in mind.
Transport Focus has looked into understanding how their needs, as well as those of drivers, can be better met in future road designs.
Since 2015 Transport Focus has represented all users of England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads, including cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians.
Our report found cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians don’t consciously check if the road they are using specifically meets their needs – they just use what’s there. A lack of specific provision for these users, such as no suitable crossing point, can lead to a negative opinions, and the perception that their needs are not considered in road design.
Transport Focus spoke to cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians in Dover, Manchester, Newcastle, Shoreham, York, Didcot, Lowestoft and Hastings to understand the issues and barriers they face when travelling along or crossing strategic roads.
Key findings include:
- Highways England’s strategic road network is important to cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians as it affects their everyday lives
- cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians share some common concerns that their specific needs are not explicitly factored into road designs
- these groups of road users are willing to take part in further research into their needs and concerns.
Transport Focus will carry out a pilot survey in 2018 to measure the level of satisfaction with journeys amongst cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians in two areas of England.
Following the pilot, Transport Focus will carry out research that covers each area of England every two or three years. The survey will help Highways England and Government focus on things that make a real difference for these road users.
Click here to read the report.