What passengers want from the East Coast rail franchise – an initial submission from Passenger Focus
12 July 2012
Passenger Focus has today published its initial submission on what passengers want from the East Coast rail franchise. This builds on previous research and sets out recommendations for the new franchise. The top three priorities for East Coast passengers are: Punctuality/reliability, value for money and getting a seat.
Passenger Focus will continue to pursue the passenger case with the Department for Transport (DfT) and bidders in delivering these.
Notes to editors
Please click the link below to view/download the full response which was published June 2012:
Passenger Focus is the official, independent consumer organisation representing the interests of rail users nationally and bus, coach and tram users across England outside London. We want to make a difference for rail, bus, coach and tram passengers.
We’ll do this by:
– providing authoritative advice for industry based on sound research
– securing improvements to services – both big and small-scale improvements
– helping passengers with advice and information~
– campaigning for change
– acting on rail passenger complaints
For further information please contact:
Dervish Mertcan
Communications Officer
Tel: 0300 123 0847 / 07918 626 045
or e-mail: dervish.mertcan@transportfocus.org.uk