Bus passengers have their say: Trust, what to improve and using buses more

03 March 2016

Do passengers trust the bus? How do you turn a bus passenger into a valued customer and get more people on board?

Two thirds of all public transport journeys in Great Britain are made on the bus. The proposed government Buses Bill now puts bus services in the spotlight like never before.

This research looks at passengers’ trust in the bus companies, their priorities for improvement, and interest in using buses more.

We spoke to regular, infrequent and non-users of bus services and explored all of these issues in detail. This is a useful addition to our yearly Bus Passenger Survey.

Key findings include:

  • getting the basic right is key to bus passengers trusting bus companies. 41 per cent of bus passengers trust their company highly, but being treated more like a valued customer would greatly increase trust
  • value for money is passengers’ highest priority for improvement, followed by reliability and punctuality
  • 28 per cent of non-users would consider making more journeys by bus highlighting the opportunity for further growth in the industry.

Click the button below to download the full summary report. Further details on both research studies can be found in the following agency reports:

Bus passengers have their say - MARCH 2016 FINAL.pdf
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