Fares and Ticketing Review – Summary – April 2012

04 May 2012

In March 2012 the Department for Transport launched a review of rail fares and ticketing. This forms part of the Government’s response to the findings of Sir Roy McNulty’s Rail Value for Money Study  and sits alongside the Government’s Command Paper on wider rail strategy (Reforming our Railway: Putting the Customer First ).

The full report can be seen at: http://assets.dft.gov.uk/consultations/dft-2012-09/main-document.pdf

This is a brief summary of the document. Its aim is to give a flavour of some of the core issues rather than provide a detailed analysis. Nor does it provide a view on Passenger Focus’s response to the proposals – this being something we are currently working on. However, our earlier response to the ‘McNulty’ study will give an outline of Passenger Focus’s policy on a number of relevant issues .

Fares and Ticketing Review - Summary - April 2012.pdf
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