Passenger Focus response – Proposal to change Tunbridge Wells & Sittingbourne Sunday ticket office hours

10 January 2012

The electronic National Rail Timetable (eNRT) #206 and Southeastern’s ‘Mainline 5’ timetables report the first northbound train departing Tunbridge Wells on Sunday is at 08:15, and the first southbound train an hour later. The proposed opening hours give passengers a half hour period before the departure of the first train in which to obtain a ticket from a staffed office. Analysis of the hourly ticket sales data provided over a 12 month period showed sales were nil in the 06:00 – 07:00 period except for one occasion when 11 tickets were sold. This instance falls below the hourly sales rate at which we would object. Ticket sales are higher in the 07:00 – 08:00 period, with only three occasions in 12 months where sales exceed the limit at which we would object ( 12 tickets sold / hour). Considering the above points and nil passenger responses received, Passenger Focus will not oppose the proposed change for Tunbridge Wells station.

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