Stakeholder Survey Results 2013

11 December 2013

Nearly three quarters of people are happy with the work that we do and almost nine in ten agree that we focus on the right issues.

These are the findings of our annual stakeholder survey which was sent out to a wide range of train and bus companies, local and national government contacts, user groups, and individual passengers.

Of the 590 respondents, 72 per cent said they are fairly or very satisfied with the work and 86 per cent of respondents agreed that the issues Passenger Focus concentrates on are the right ones. There was no significant difference in responses from England, Scotland and Wales.

78 per cent of respondents felt that they had a lot of knowledge about our National Rail Passenger Survey.

While we are encouraged by the results we are not complacent. We will now consider how we both increase this momentum and focus more on bus passenger issues, as well as doing more work with local government and user groups.

Stakeholder Survey Results - 2013.pdf
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